Tuesday, 10 February 2009


The Metropole, Llandrindod
12 – 13 February 2009

This time last year we were embarking on a period of anticipation as the Essex Review was underway and the beginning of the Credit Crunch was unfolding. Twelve months on, the spotlight is now well and truly on the sector, and the role of Boards is essential. This conference gives chairs and board members an opportunity to hear and discuss the main challenges facing you as organisations and boards. Discussions and workshops will look at the new Regulation framework being shaped, and will also look at the meaning of good governance. What are the main risks and opportunities you need to face, and how can you lead effectively? Don't miss out on the only single event for you. Come to network, learn, contribute and influence!

A Chairs network meeting will be held at 11am, on the morning of 12 February. It will be an opportunity for Chairs to discuss the issues concerning them with their peers.

Day One Thursday 12th February 2009

12.15pm Conference Registration

1.00 Buffet Lunch - Restaurant

1.45 Welcome and Introduction
Cynog Dafis, Vice-Chair of CT Cantref

2.00 Scene Setting
Ian Williams, Chief Executive of the Hendre Group and Chair of CHC

2.15 “To Pay or Not to Pay”

Lucy Ferman, Tribal Group
With the Essex Review recommending that the social housing sector in Wales consults on whether to pay Board members or not, Lucy Ferman, Assistant Director of Tribal Group, has been revising the 2003 publication “To pay or not to pay” for the National Housing Federation, which is due for launch in March. Lucy will give an overview of her findings, and what impact payment has had on the 35% of associations which have decided to pay board members.

3.0 Workshop Session 1

As it was a success last year, throughout the two days you can visit the conference internet café. If you are web savvy – great – this is a huge opportunity for you to widen your networks and conversations. If you are less confident, don’t worry - that’s what the internet café is all about. We will support you in taking those early first steps.

Housing Association Governance – The Financial Dimension
John Chown, Williams Ross Ltd

Monitoring and understanding your housing association’s financial performance is of critical importance as part of proper governance of the association. This workshop aims to help you giving you an introduction to obtaining better understanding of finance matters and also what information you should receive, and how it should be presented, in order to carry out this important role effectively.

Chair and Chief Executive – Managing the Relationship
Ann Gibson, Central Consultancy & Training

The relationship between the Chair and the Chief Executive is absolutely crucial to the success of an organisation. This workshop will look at the different roles and also discuss how to maintain a positive relationship which ensures good governance of your organisation.

Regulation - past, present and future

Tamsin Stirling, Chair of Bron Afon
This workshop will look at regulation pre Essex Review, what the Review said and how things might change in future. It will provide an opportunity for discussion about what this might mean for board members and will generate some questions for Doug Elliot's plenary session on Friday.

Workshop Surgery

Lucy Ferman and Judy Wayne, Tribal Group
Following on from the main session, this will be an opportunity for delegates to raise any questions or issues they might have on the issue of paying Board members or not.

4.00 Refreshments and Networking

4.30 Workshop Session 2

Financial Inclusion and Fuel Poverty in Wales
Clare Williams, CHC’s Financial Inclusion Support Officer

70% of social housing tenants are financially excluded, having little or no access to debt or financial advice or affordable credit, or financial products such as home insurance. People who are financially excluded are also likely to fall into fuel poverty. This session will provide an overview of the new Welsh Financial Inclusion Strategy and how Community Housing Cymru is helping its members to to increase financial inclusion amongst housing association tenants. Also find out how CHC are working with the Energy Saving Trust together to eradicate fuel poverty.

CHC Project-Recruitment, Succession and Information Needs
Patricia McCabe, Central Consultancy & Training

This workshop will be discussing the CHC pilot project developing good practice guides for board appraisal and review. The guides will draw on the real experience of the three participating boards. The aim is to contribute to the consideration of some of the implications of the Essex Review and inform the production of practical guidance and tools for board members.

Effective PR
Edwina O’Hart, CHC, and Helen Ball, Melin Homes

This session will look at CHC’s PR Strategy, and Helen from Melin Homes will also discuss their PR Strategy on a local level.

5.30 Workshop Session 3

The Board’s Role in HR
Patricia McCabe, Central Consultancy & Training

We often say that people are our greatest asset. This workshop is for Board members who want to discuss how to put that intention into practice, and expand their understanding of employment matters and the Board’s role. It will also highlight the Board’s responsibility for strategic HR issues – how well does your organisation manage and develop its people? How do you monitor performance?

Building Good Relationships between LAs and HAs
Tom Broadhead and Nicola Perkin, Torfaen County Council

Having a positive relationship between Local authorities and Housing Associations has always been important but not always a priority, but the recommendations in Essex point firmly to the need to strengthen this relationship. This session will give you an opportunity to discuss how the relationship can strengthen on every level.

Financial Inclusion and Fuel Poverty in Wales
Clare Williams, CHC’s Financial Inclusion Officer

70% of social housing tenants are financially excluded, having little or no access to debt or financial advice or affordable credit, or financial products such as home insurance. People who are financially excluded are also likely to fall into fuel poverty. This session will provide an overview of the new Welsh Financial Inclusion Strategy and how Community Housing Cymru is helping its members to to increase financial inclusion amongst housing association tenants. Also find out how CHC are working with the Energy Savings Trust together to eradicate fuel poverty.

6.30 Good Governance
Ann Gibson, Central Consultancy & Training
This session will explore the principals of good governance and the roles and responsibilities of board members through the use of case studies from the sector.

7.15 End of Day 1

8.00 Dinner

Day Two Friday 13th February 2009

Plenary – How to hold a Clever Conversation - Delivering Transformation through People

Dr Neil Wooding, Director, Public Services Management Wales
Back by popular demand, Neil Wooding will share his views on ‘Leadership’ in Wales and will encourage us to take the opportunities presented to us through our daily conservations with others. A session well worth getting up for!

10.00 Plenary - Financial Inclusion

Niall Alexander, Consultant
Approximately 70% of social housing tenants use high interest lenders, and around 15,000 fall prey to illegal money lenders because they cannot access mainstream financial services. Niall Alexander looks at an alternative lending model for Wales.

11.00 Refreshments and Networking

11.30 Regulation - What’s the shape of things to come?
Doug Elliot, the newly appointed Head of Regulation at the Welsh Assembly Government, will give an update on the main changes that are taking place, how things are shaping up and what you as boards and individual board members can do to prepare yourselves for these changes.

12.30pm A New Environment

Nick Bennett and Ian Williams
CHC’s Chief Executive, Nick Bennett and Chair, Ian Williams, will talk about the economic climate, Global Accounts, and the changes shaping the sector through Essex, looking particularly at the new funding opportunities the sector has and should be taking full advantage of. In 2008, CHC commissioned the WERU Report to discover the Social Housing’s economic contribution to the Welsh economy. Nick will explain the report’s findings.

1.15 Conference Close,
Buffet Lunch and Depart

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hi, its very informative, Financial Guidance , thanks
